Allied Organizations

Scientific Advisors

Dr. Robert Dodge

Dr. Marco Kaltofen

  • Robert Dodge, MD currently serves on PSR’s board of directors as co-chair of the Nuclear Weapons Abolition Committee. Dr. Dodge also sits on the board of PSR Los Angeles and the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. Dr. Dodge is a family practice physician in Ventura, California with more than 30 years of experience in disarmament advocacy. He leads PSR Los Angeles’ Nuclear Weapons Community Costs Program, which quantifies the individual and community tax burden of U.S. nuclear weapons spending on an annual basis. He received his medical degree at the University of California, Irvine and completed his residency in Family Medicine at Ventura County Medical Center.

  • Marco Kaltofen, PhD, P.E. is the President of Boston Chemical Data Corp., Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Registered Professional Civil, Engineer. Dr. Kaltofen is an environmental scientist with 30 years experience in environmental, workplace and product safety investigations. His research at WPI focuses on investigations into petroleum and nuclear releases. He has provided expert testimony and consulting as a chemist and as an engineer. Dr. Kaltofen's nuclear forensics work includes experience in the US, the Middle East, Russia, India, Japan and European Union countries. He is a native Dutch speaker and holds both US and European Union (Dutch) citizenship.

  • Frank A. von Hippel is a professor of environmental health sciences in the Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health and the lead of the One Health Research Initiative at the University of Arizona. Frank has taught ecology field courses in over twenty countries and conducted research in the Americas, Africa, and Australia. He conducts research at the nexus of ecotoxicology, mechanisms of toxicity, and public health, with a focus on Indigenous and underserved communities. Frank’s research has been widely covered in the press, including The New York Times, National Public Radio, The Economist, the BBC, and many other media outlets. Frank is the author of The Chemical Age and he is the creator and host of the Science History Podcast .

Dr. Frank von Hippel

Please note that our advisors give specific advice according to their expertise, not on the site as a whole. Their consultation work on the Santa Susana Field Lab does not necessarily reflect the views of their employer, company, institution, or other associated parties. We are grateful for their unbiased expertise.

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